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May 31, 2007

Cool new blog.

Jess revamped his blog, and it is certainly worth checking out.

Jess is a college buddy of mine who has been losing to me in fantasy football for the last several years. ;-) He is a corn farmer, a dad and an uncle, and frequently posts pictures worth 1000 words.

Check it out!

May 25, 2007

Moscow, ID USA

There is something about your college town that sticks with you. Especially with a small college town, it seems like you should know everybody. My college town had a pretty tough week. Even though there have probably been 100,000 people that have passed through that town since I left, I still found myself trying to figure out how I was related to the victims and the gunman.

If you are willing to shed a tear or two, take a glimpse at this slideshow.

Can I measure your hands??

Finger Length Predicts SAT Performance - Yahoo! News

May 11, 2007

Game, "Oh, I was confused"

I invented a new game for the car. As we drive around town.

Daddy: "Look over there, I see a Jet airplane"

Kids: "Where???"

Daddy: "Oh, wait, I was confused, that is a bird."

Daddy: "Look, A snake!"

Kids: "Where??"

Daddy: "Oh, wait, I was confused, that was a highway stripe!"

Pretty soon the kids get confused too, and start seeing dinosaurs and fire engines.

Mommy gets annoyed.

May 4, 2007

Sign at a local church

"Give evil nothing to oppose and it will disappear by itself"


May 1, 2007

I don't get it.

I don't understand the controversy about Paul Wolfowitz. Seems to me that if you have an affair with somebody and then use your power to get them a high paying job, you cannot be trusted.

I don't understand why the Bush administration is standing behind him.