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September 29, 2008

Why I love Children Desiring God

For the last year or so, we have been using the Children Desiring God Curriculum at our church. At first glance, the curriculum isn't really a perfect fit for us, it seems a bit stodgy, and not terribly playful for a church born out of the Willow Creek model.

The kids are changing though. They get it.

In reflecting on it, I recognize that the CDG curriculum doesn't candy coat anything. Nearly every week, it acknowledges that there are many times that our life is going to be very very hard, but God promises to strengthen us as we persevere through the hardships.. Probably 50 or 60 % of the kids are from broken homes. Many of the neighborhood kids are relatively poor. Several of them are in foster family situations.

So when we tell the kids that life is going to be hard, it resonates with them.. They know that to be true. And the promise that God will be good, even when life seems bad makes a big difference to them. Life may be good, and life may be bad, but God will always be God, and whatever He puts us through will always be used for His glorious purpose in the end.

We are just finishing up the "Faithful to all his promises" series, and we are about to embark on the "How Majestic is Your Name" series.

September 23, 2008


Joe Biden was quite a hit last night:

"When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed," Biden told Couric. "He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'"

Not only was Roosevelt not the president, but TV broadcasts had not been implemented at that time.

I think the reason the Democrats have lost the last few elections is that they have a snobby tone in their voices. They believe that they know better than the rest of America, and rather than explain why, they would prefer to dismiss us as stupid and irrational (Clinging to God and Guns)

The only thing worse than the failed strategy of the last two elections would be continuing to use the condescending tone, while proving yourself to be a genuine idiot at the same time. Kudos, Biden, you managed to pull that off!

HT: Ben Smith

September 3, 2008


America's most pressing issue of late has been energy. No Governor deals with the Oil companies and energy logistics like the Alaskan governor does. Sarah Palin has made a career for herself by exposing the corruption between the Government and these oil companies, and she has managed to move forward a vital project that has been stalled during the previous two administrations. In short, she is probably the most qualified candidate to deal with America's most pressing issue.

The media is doing everything it can to take her down.. Yesterday they where pointing out that she had donations from some of the same corrupt oil companies at Ted Stevens and Don Young are being investigated for. The time line vindicates her.. There was nothing illegal about receiving campaign contributions. What is illegal is receiving them in exchange for something else.. Palin lost that election and was appointed to he Ethics commission overseeing the oil contracts. She saw the corruption and blew the whistle. Those donations didn't cloud her judgment. She didn't look the other way when she saw corruption. She did what is right in spite of the fact that it hurt her party, and it hurt her donors. This is exactly why John McCain picked her.. He did the same thing throughout his career.

Thursday night Barak Obama accused John McCain of "Not getting it" - Not understanding the situation of mainstream blue collar and middle class America. Friday morning, McCain brought "it" onto his ticket. A hard working blue collar, middle class, state school educated everyday American.

By Friday evening the democrats where arguing that "It" doesn't anywhere near the White house... The left wing bloggers went haywire and made ridiculous claims about her, and somehow her teenage daughter is the topic of conversation. I think that Obama is knows that he is in trouble on this one. America will like Sarah Palin. She is one of them. The more she becomes the topic of discussion, and more the liberals are seen as desperately trying to sabotage her, the more America will break toward McCain/Palin.

Unfortunately for them, The Daily Kos unleashed the mainstream media with their bizarre fake pregnancy story, and once the media monster is out of it's cage, there is not a lot that the political parties can do to put it back.