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May 15, 2009

Another variation on my twitter airport game.

Here is another game.. This one requires a traveling companion who is in on the game.

When you are an airport, search for other twitter users at the same airport. Look at their tweet stream and try to ascertain where they are going. Find the appropriate gate and look for them. Once you find them Sit next to them, and watch their twitter stream on your cell phone..

Converse with your traveling companion. Whenever your target sends a tweet, try to change the topic to match their tweet. Keep doing this and see if they ever catch on or join in the conversation. If they do, try to let the conversation die until they tweet again... then repeat the process... As their flight is leaving, send them an @reply thanking them for the conversation.

May 1, 2009

Fun Twitter Game...

If you have a long layover at an airport, do a search for that airport code and see what other twitter users may be there. If they tell twitter where they are going, there is a good chance you can find the proper gate. If they have a picture posted on their twitter profile, you will likely be able to recognize them.

From this point, there are lots of variations... You could do some digging on their website, find out as much as you can about them, the pretend to recognize them, addressing them by name, asking relevant questions about how they are doing etc... That might be a bit much...

You could take a picture of them, and post it on twitpic, with @username???? This would be a startling way to introduce yourself..

Personally I like this variation the best: Do something twitter worthy--- then when they tweet about it reply via twitter.. Bring them a cup of their favorite Starbucks drink for example - Say "this is for you", then walk off, returning to you own gate... When they tweet about it, give them an @ reply "Your welcome"