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Been playing with phpwcms lately. This is a open source Content management system. I am still learning the ropes, but it seems to be pretty darn good.

I have been fairly disappointed in most of the content management systems out there because they try to do too much, and do none of it very well. They tend to build websites a lot like Slashdot. Slashdot is cool, but most websites are not News-Blog communites.

phpwcms seems to do exactly what I want. It allows me to build web pages in whatever format that I would like, and enable the owners of the website to update edit or add content through an online form.

The only downside I see is that it does not use real URLS... It uses index.php?1,0,0,1 to link to a given page. I can probably live with that.




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This page contains a single entry by Josh Reighley published on March 30, 2004 8:14 AM.

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