Trying something new.

| | Comments (4)

I am giving CoComment a try.   It seems like a very good idea to me.  Basically it is a system to track all of the comments that you leave all over the Blogsphere..    I got an account, and installed the firefox extension.  We will see how it works.  I have been scouring the net trying to find something to comment on, but alas, most of my favorite blogs have been nearly as quiet as mine lately.

 Once I have found a blog or two to comment on, I may add a section on my sidebar listing my comments on other folks sites.  If I found it interesting enough to comment on, there is a good chance that some of the regulars might take interest in it too.  (All three of you?)  



jreighley said:

Well, I had to uninstall the firefox plugin. Seems every page I visited had to check out cocomment's webpage. The plugin was preventing me from posting to my blog. That is a dealkiller.. I did install their bookmarklet, so we will see how that works. And Hey, I am leaving a comment, so we can see if they track it! (It is not looking good) ;-)

Are you sure you checked the "ignore unknown webpages" option in the extension preferences? Otherwise, what version of Firefox are you using? I'm trying to leave a comment here now with the extension. Doesn't seem to "recognize" your comment form, though.

jreighley said:

Thanks Stephanie for the great support!

I am using Firefox/

For one reason or another when I press sumbmit on my Movable type New entry page while the firefox extension is enabled, nothing happens. I have checked the ignore unkown webages box. If I disable for this page, it still will not submit, but If I disable the extension and restart firefox it works fine.

I tried to edit my scripts so that Movable type recognizes the cocomment, but It wasn't quite a simple as following the instructions. I think the root of the problem is that I am using old templates, and using the typekey authentication, so my templates are different than the standard ones. I will keep hacking and see what happens..

jreighley said:

I updated my MT individual archive tempate to match the latest version. Added the CoComment Tweaks, but the cocomment ingegrations still doesn't seem to be working right.

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This page contains a single entry by Josh Reighley published on May 8, 2006 12:42 AM.

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